Who's Who



Jude is our Vicar and started with us as our Curate in 2012. Jude and Hannah have 2 children and Jude is known to do the odd Iron Man Triathlon. They also enjoy ice cream regularly (Jude's favourite flavour is green).

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Mike is our Associate Vicar for Discipleship, he is married to Kate and they have three teenage children so life is never dull! He once tried to make a living from playing rugby but he would say God took him on a completely different adventure of telling people about Jesus in all sorts of crazy places! He loves cooking, making friends, drinking coffee and a bit of bird watching!  



Jerome is our curate; he joined us in June 2022. He is originally from Birmingham and considers Liverpool to be a second home. He is married to Bethan and they have a baby, Marcus. Jerome loves music, the Bible and studying biblical languages. He also loves growing plants and absolutely loves food. Jerome is always up for a chat whilst walking or over a drink!



Matt is our Associate Pastor and Creative Director. He also heads up our youth work! He joined the team in July 2018. Matt is a Scouser but we would advise against asking him which football team he supports. You will really not like the answer. Matt is married to Becky.

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Janet is our Operations Manager and Safeguarding Officer. She moved from a small village near Lancaster (surrounded by farms, fields and sheep!) to Liverpool in August 2020. She loves eating out with friends,  will never say no to meeting up for a coffee, and trashy TV is her not-so-guilty pleasure!


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Hannah is the Lead Anglican Chaplain at UOL and LJMU and also oversees the student work at STJ.  She was born in Essex, lived in many different places but loves Liverpool where she has lived, with Jude and their two children, for over 10 years. Hannah enjoys playing netball socially, loves going out for a coffee and has just taken up running (slow jogging) which she is surprisingly enjoying!



Becky is our Schools Missional Chaplain. Apart from her husband Matt (and Jesus), her other great love is her guinea pigs but their great love is cucumber.


Lydia is another of our Schools Missional Chaplains! She lives in the Old Roan and loves coffee, singing and embroidering! Her favourite spot in the city is down by the dock; you might spot her down there in her spare time with her head in a good novel. 



Ethan is another one of our  Schools Missional Chaplains. He is also studying for a Doctorate in Theology with a focus on Youth Ministry. He is married to Lucy and they live in Clubmoor, where they love baking bread and lots of cakes!

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Rebecca is our Admin and social media coordinator. She graduated from Edge Hill University in 2021 and lives just a short walk away from Crosby beach. She loves getting a takeaway coffee at almost every opportunity and enjoys lino printing, writing and live music. 

Rachel Harley
Rachel is our Minis group leader. She joined the team in 2020 after living in Nigeria for 13 years. She and her husband Matthew have two lively children. Her favourite song is Minnie the moocher, favourite cartoon character: Minnie Mouse, favourite ice cream: mini magnums, and favourite city: Minneapolis.



Bethan is our Student Worker, looking after our students at St James and Assistant Chaplain to the Liverpool Universities. She is also a member of our PCC. Bethan is a history graduate! In her spare time, she loves going to the beach, seeing friends and going for coffee (oat milk latte for the win!)




Charis is our Finance Assistant. Originally from Yorkshire, Charis recently graduated from LIPA University with a degree in Theatre Management. Her hobbies include going to the theatre, walking in the countryside and eating cake!



Gaby is one of our Ministry Assistants. She is in her second year studying Theology & Marketing at Hope University. She helps out with the schools and youth ministries at StJ and in her spare time you will find her hanging out with friends or in her favourite coffee shop (92°)!



 Oli is one of our Ministry Assistants this year. He is currently in his third year of studying Geography at the University of Liverpool. Oli is from London and is a huge supporter of West Ham, his local team back home. Oli also loves music and sports!



Sophie is also a ministry assistant at StJ. Sophie is a mum to 3, tag teamed with Mike. Sophie listens to music at every child free moment and loves Everton FC (although that can't be said for her whole household). She is a member of the PCC as Deanery Synod Rep. Sophie always like to get some miles under her belt, running and generally being outdoors releasing endorphins

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Luke is another of our Ministry Assistants. He is in his final year of a Masters in Civil and Structural Engineering. You’ll often find Luke behind the sound desk during services. He also heads up our gaming streams for the youth and adults. In his free time you’d be able to find him listening to music or gaming. Luke loves going to rock concerts and all things F1!


Emma is one of our church wardens and a member of the PCC. She is a primary school teacher from Northern Ireland. Emma started coming to St James in the City as a student in 2015 and has been part of our StJ family ever since. She loves reading, shopping, watching tv, going to the theatre and endless cups of tea. 


Steve is on of our church wardens and part of the PCC. He is originally from Cornwall and has lived in Liverpool for over 25 years. He is married to Christina and has two children - Libby and Zacary. As a family they have been coming to St James for over 10 years. He enjoys playing electric guitar in the church band, loves watching motorsport and enjoys a good curry.

Other PCC Members:


Matthew Harley: Mission Partners + Children and Families


Sophie McCoid: Adults + Secretary

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Titus Ellerby: Deanery Synod Rep

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Charles Woolnough: EcoChurch + Youth and Families



Josiah Madziwanyika: Adults + Prayer
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